On the 18th of June I presented my research to date on Annie L. Massy at the Wexford Science Café.
Art, science and history: Can imagination be a legitimate tool in biography?

Narrative is a powerful way to communicate, and the story of Irish naturalist Annie L. Massy (1867 – 1931), is one that mirrors the broader challenges faced by women in the field at this time.
Dr Fiona Byrne, artist, will speak about their exploration of the life of this important Irish researcher. Though her work was well respected, and her collections remain at the National Museum of Ireland, there is little known about Annie's personal life.
Through a combination of research and creative response Fiona has been putting together material to create a biography of Annie which sits between fact and imagination. This talk will unpick some of the benefits and drawbacks to such an approach and share insights into the life and work of Annie L. Massy.