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Offerings is a series is inspired by Bronze Age burial pots. The idea of making an offering for safe passage from one state of being to another, was one that resonated with me during the pandemic. The concept of navigating uncertainty; the space between the known and unknown. These themes are reflected in the precarious nature of the work’s structure, using the delicate technique of pâte-de-verre, leaving the edges organic and unfinished. The gold signifies value, giving status to the idea of the incomplete. It is only in the unfinished that potential can live.

Offerings (group)

Offering I, II, III-FionaByrne-WilliamCroallPhotography-1.jpg

Title: Offerings I, II, III Materials: Three pâte de verre bowls, various gold leaf Year: 2021

Photo credit: William Croall

Offering I

Offering I-FionaByrne-WilliamCroallPhotography-1.jpg

Title: Offering I Materials: Pâte de verre, Year: 2021 Dimensions: 11.5cm height x 18cm diameter Photo credit: William Croall

Offering II

Offering II-FionaByrne-WilliamCroallPhotography-2.jpg

Title: Offering II Materials: Pâte de verre, Year: 2021 Dimensions: 15cm height x 14cm diameter Photo credit: William Croall

Offering III

Offering III-FionaByrne-WilliamCroallPhotography-3.jpg

Title: Offering II Materials: Pâte de verre, Year: 2021 Dimensions: 13.5cm height x 17cm diameter Photo credit: William Croall

© 2024 by Fiona Byrne

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