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Until November 30, 2022

Opening hours :

Wednesday to Sunday: 10am

-12.30pm; 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Since August 2 and as a preview of the BIOT festival, the international exhibition Glass is Biotifull III has opened its doors in the heart of the village in the Hedberg Torun exhibition halls.

37 artists, representing 17 nationalities.

Selection was carried out blindly by a professional jury made up of the German publisher Uta Klotz, the director of the Scottish glass center "North Lands Creative" Karen Philips and the French glassmaker Damien François, guest of honor at the Biot International Glass Festival in 2020.

Selected artists:

The French: Laetitia Andrighetto and Jean-Charles Miot, Jonathan Ausseresse, Vincent Breed, Antoine Brodin, Xavier Carrere, Jean Gazdac, Eric Lemarie, Sofiane M'sadek, Victor Stokowski, Léa Tarakdjian, Gérald Vatrin, Alain Villechange.

Internationals: Elmia Abolhassani (Portugal), Sinéad Brennan (Ireland), Zsolt Janos Budai (Hungary), Fiona Byrne (Switzerland), Kathryna Cuschieri (Ireland), Roisin De Buitlear (Ireland), Chantal Delporte (Belgium), Deyra Geylani Vurusan (Turkey), Nikola Grozdanov (Bulgaria), Marie Hauschildt (Denmark), Anna Jura (Poland), Micha Karlsund (Denmark), Krej Katarzyna (Poland), Zuzana Kubelkova (Czech Republic), Marie-Renée Morales-Lam (Portugal) , Jiemin Park (Korea), Benjamin Podoba (Italy), Fréderik Rombach (Belgium), Mare Saare (Estonia), Ida Christelle Siebke (Norway), Aoife-May Soden (Denmark), Galla Theodosis (Norway), Rotzsch Tortsten (Germany ).

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